- الصفحة الرئيسية
- المنتجات
اكتشف حلول تعدين العملات المشفرة المخصصة وذات العائد العالي لمختلف التطبيقات، المدعمة بخبرتنا والتزامنا بالدقة والموثوقية.
اكتشف أجهزة التعدين عالية الجودة لاستخدامات متنوعة، مدعومة بفهمنا العميق والتزامنا بالتميز.
- الأخبار
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- ربحية التعدين
- الدعم
First of all, thank you for your interest and support to معدات تعدين العملات المشفرة. In order to avoid misunderstandings in the process of purchasing a miner, please read all the following notes carefully before placing your order. Thank you very much for your understanding!
1 – Regarding the specific dynamic of the miners market, there is a possibility that the miner’s price has changed when we receive your payment and we might need to refund your order.
We use a batch process for all the miners orders , and that we have each batch at quite limited quantities .The price of different batches of miners is different even though it’s the same model of miner . They are selling pretty fast. Regarding the highly variable and demanded market , the price could be different every day for in stock miners . So there is a possibility that the miner’s price has gone up when we receive your payment and we need to refund you for the order .
2 – About inventory miners
The inventory miner delivery date will be 3-7 working days. Once we receive your order, we will immediately notify our technical center staff to test the machine you have ordered to ensure that it is running well. We will also send you a video for confirmation. We will ship the machine to you only after we make sure that all the performance of the machine is fine. Then, we will deliver the machine to our freight forwarder for shipping. We will update the tracking number on the website and you will receive an email for details.
3 – About preorder miners
The actual delivery date of the pre-order miner depends on the factory’s delivery date of the miner. We will indicate the estimated delivery month of the pre-order miner on the order page so that you can make a consideration. However, there may still be a delay in delivery. For one, if the factory’s delivery date is delayed, then the delivery of the CryptohashMiners miner will also be delayed. There is also the possibility that the factory will not be able to produce the miner in the expected time, in which case we will process a refund for your order.